
Things I Want to Remember to Do Each Day…

-Eat 100% Raw
-Tongue scrape after every meal (It feels so good, but makes me want to throw-up)
-Drink at least a 8 glasses of clean water
-20 minutes of Yoga
-15 minutes of meditation
-Dry Skin brushing
-Take a hot bath
-Wash my feet before going to sleep
-Take my supplements
-Learn at least one new thing
-Learn how to do at least one new thing
-Think before I speak
-Practice Loving Kindness
-Make each loved one in my life feel special
-Remember that anger only serves my enemy
-Have more patience with people
-Not to live so fast...slow down
-Say I Love You to those I love
-Enjoy my job or find a new one
-Show lots of affection to my pets

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